
Love this class!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I enjoyed going to the capstone on Tuesday. It took some of the mystery out of the program. Of course, it got me to thinking in the future. Though I am sure I will change my mind several thousand times, what problems would I like to take on? Several ideas came to mind. First, since I am teaching Seniors, I thought of the problem of attendance. I get so tired of assigning make-up work, which is often irrelevant by the time the students complete it. I thought, what if we had a number of lessons available for the students online. Either they could complete common lessons by grade level, or we could devise a way to make webcasts of class available. To me, a set of ten or so lessons incorporating key standards would be best. If a student was absent, and didn't miss something integral to the curriculum, they could make up a lesson. Allow me to clarify; often, I hold debates, discussions, or Socratic Circles in class which the students receive points for. It is difficult for a student to make such work up, and yet I hate to give chronic absentees a pass. Wouldn't it be wonderful to say, make up lesson #7 on the website? I also like the idea of a share site for the teachers. My last idea was for a blackboard type program for our classes. Can you tell absenteeism is on my mind a lot? Ahhh, spring seniors.
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Since I taught a cycle class, students were always absent or getting pulled for something or other. I always had their work online, if they had access to the internet. It gave them no excuse not to keep up to date in the class. It is a lot of extra work in the beginning, but on the back end, I do not have to RE-TEACH! Love that!